The Unione dei Comuni Alta Gallura is a local authority, according to d.lgs. August 18, 2000 n° 267 (consolidated text of the laws on the structure of local authorities).
The institution was founded in March 2008, as result of the deletion of Comunità montana n° 3 Gallura (founded in 1982).
Located in the northeast of Sardinia, is composed of nine mountain and coastal municipalities.
It plays a role of territorial programming in collaboration with the Sardinia Region, prepares projects in response to Regional and European calls, coordinates local municipalities actions and activities. Has an operating role associated with the functions of each municipality.
The Unione dei Comuni Alta Gallura, by negotiated procedure, externalize the different Marina Isola Rossa secondary services to outside companies. Currently, these services are provided by the Mamia Mauro business .
- Mooring and unmooring service from both land and water, monitoring moorings activities
- Prevention and first aid in case of fire
- Cleaning service in berths and other uncovered areas, electrical, fire and water systems
- Administrative management support service at Port Management offices
- Launching and recovery service by means of fixed crane
- Offices, toilets, utility rooms, pertinences cleaning services.